If you like Saint Bernards
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History: Probably no other dog conjures up such a distinctive image to
so many; a somewhat sad-looking, massive rescue dog trudging through snowy
mountains with a small keg of brandy hanging from its neck in search of
people in distress. This day-and-night patrolling for people lost in the
Swiss Alps has gone on in assocciation with the monks of the Hospice of
St. Bernard since its founding in A.D.
1050, but the breed probably descends from the Roman
molossus dog introduced in the Alps some two thousand years ago.
Body: Strong, muscular, and thick boned throughout, the St. Bernard has
a wide straight back; a well-developed chest; a thick, strongly muscular
neck; a big wide head with a short, squarish muzzle; dark, relatively small
eyes with the tips pointing downwards, often showing haws; medium-sized
ears droppping forward; and a long, thick tail, carried low. Never solid
white or without white, the coat coloring is usually red and white, or
brindle with white, all preferably with white markings on the chest, neck
band, nose band, feet, and tip of the tail, and dark colors on the muzzle
and edges of the ears.
Character: Despite its massive size, the St. Bernard is intelligent,
obedient, and makes and excellent guard dog for family, children, and other
Care: Frequent brushing is a must, as is regular swabbing of the inside
of the dog's ears with baby oil and keeping its nails cut short and the
eyes free of tear residue secreated from the lachrymal glands, especially
during spring.
Exercise: Extensive daily exercise in big open spaces is required.
Training: Alot of early contact with people
as possible to keep them from becoming shy and nervous adults. Also, intensive
obedience training should begin early during puppyhood.
Puppies: Six to eight puppies are born in each litter.
Awards The Dog House The
Gerbil Cage The Hamster Cage The
Litter Box The
American Stafford Terrier Gallery The Basset
Hound Gallery The Beagle Gallery
The Bernese Mountain Dog Gallery
The Boxer Gallery The Bulldog
Gallery The Cavlier King Charles
Spaniel Gallery The Chow Chow Gallery
The Dalmatian Gallery The
Doberman Pinscher Gallery The English
Setter Gallery The German Pointer
Gallery The German Shepherd Gallery
The Golden Retriever Gallery The
Gordon Setter Gallery The Great Dane Gallery
The Jack Russel Terrier Gallery The
Labrador Retriever Gallery The Mastiff
Gallery The Newfoundland Gallery
The Old English Sheepdog Gallery
The Pembroke and Welsh Corgi Gallery The
Pomeranian Gallery The
Pug Gallery The Rottweiler Gallery
The Saint Bernard Gallery The
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Gallery The
Yorkshire Terrier Gallery Julious's
Doghouse Mercedes's Doghouse
Morgan's Doghouse Sign
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