If you like Gordon Setters
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History: A large breed created by the Duke of Gordon of Scotland in the
late eighteenth century, the Gordon Setter is the biggest of the setter
family, with a beautiful, shiny coat, and a sturdy, well-balanced body.
Although it was originally an excellent gundog, this breed also makes a
good house companion because of its loving nature. Because of its beauty
and abilities, this breed gradually gained popularity among dog-lovers
after the nineteenth century, when the American politician Daniel Wevster
first imported it to America. It has since been modified every year to
improve its hunting abilities.
Body: The Gordon Setter has a well-balanced, well-boned body; a strong,
shortish back; a sculpturesque, sharp head; dark brown eyes; and a relatively
short tail. The soft, shiny coat is either straight or slightly wavy, with
feathering on the ears, abdomen, legs, and tail. The color is black, or
chestnut with reddish mahogany markings above the eyes and on the muzzle,
throat, chest, toes, inside of the hind legs, and underside of the tail.
Black should not be mixed in with these markings, but white markings on
the chest and black penciling on the toes is permissible.
Character: Loving cheerful, curious, agile, active, fearless, and
brave, the Gordon Setter is very gentle with children and is very quiet,
understands its master well, and is highly obedient. Alert to strangers
and sometimes aggressive toward other dogs, it also is suspicious in nature
and makes a good guard dog.
Care: Proper care must be given to maintain the coat's beauty and
noble appearance.
Exercise: Lack of exercise will make this dog nervous or difficult to handle.
It's necessary to walk or run the dog a distance of a least one mile a
day. Because this dog has the setter's habit of pacing it does not adjust
to living indoors.
Training: Obedience training must be thourough.
Puppies: Thelitters average eight very healthy and strong puppies. Easy
to care for, they soon grow accustomed to a new enviroment and people.
Awards The Dog House The
Gerbil Cage The Hamster Cage The
Litter Box The
American Stafford Terrier Gallery The Basset
Hound Gallery The Beagle Gallery
The Bernese Mountain Dog Gallery
The Boxer Gallery The Bulldog
Gallery The Cavalier King Charles
Spaniel Gallery The Chow Chow Gallery
The Dalmatian Gallery The
Doberman Pinscher Gallery The English
Setter Gallery The German Pointer
Gallery The German Shepherd Gallery
The Golden Retriever Gallery The
Gordon Setter Gallery The Great Dane Gallery
The Jack Russel Terrier Gallery The
Labrador Retriever Gallery The Mastiff
Gallery The Newfoundland Gallery
The Old English Sheepdog Gallery
The Pembroke and Welsh Corgi Gallery The
Pomeranian Gallery The
Pug Gallery The Rottweiler Gallery
The Saint Bernard Gallery The
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Gallery The
Yorkshire Terrier Gallery Julious's
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