If you like German Pointers this is the place for you, but if you don't, maybe you can learn something. If you want to get to the Photo Gallery right away scroll down and click on the book.
  History: This breed comes in two varieties: short-haired and wire-haired. The short-haired is thought to have been bred by crossing the German bird dog and the Spanish Pointer. A sophisticated pointer suited to all purposes, it is an excellent chaser and retriever, and used to hunt pheasants, quails, raccoons, foxes and even deer. The wire-haired German Pointer is said to have been created in Germany around 1870, a cross between the short-haired German  Pointer and numerous other breeds.
    Body: The short-haired German Pointer has a deep chest; a straight back; shoulder bones that slope gently downwards; a lean head; wide drop ears set level with the dark brown eyes; a big, well-developed muzzle; a dark brown nose; a docked tail; and web toes. Its short coat feels rough and ward. The coloring includes liver, liver and wihite, and black and white.

        The wire-haired is similare to the short-haired, except that it is slightly longer tha it is tall, with a short back sloping sharply downwards from the withers to the buttocks. It is also double coated, with a hard and wiry outercoat, and an undercoat that is thick in winter and thin in the summer. Its thick eyebrows protect the eyes from thorns in bushes, and its whiskers and moustache are also thick.  The coat color is liver or liver with small white markings except for the head, which is liver and white, or brown.

    Character:  Although slightly short-tempered, this dog can be a friendly companion and an excellent watchdog. An active breed that barks the most among all sporting dogs, lack of suffiscient exercise will make him even noiser.

    Care: About twice a week, the short-haired needs to be rubbed with a rough cloth. Brushing is sufficient for the wire-haired, but careful combing is needed during the spring shedding period.

    Exercise: Both the short-haired and the wire-haired need a considerable amount of exercise and should be controlled and trained thoroughly, as they tend to be mischievious with livestock.

    Training: Both types need early training, beginning in the sixth week after birth. Obedience training should be finished by the time the puppies are six months old.

    Puppies: The short-haired has an average of eight puppies per litter. They are born white and grow into adult coloration. The wire-haired has a litter of 6-10 puppies. They are born liver or liver and white, and acquire adult coloration after 6 months.

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