If you like Bulldogs this is
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History: Considering its size. this
breed was once quite savage, for it was used to bite a chained bull's nose
to incite it to fight. Many fighhting dogs were probably involved om ots
development in Britian, including the mastiff. The bulldog was later used
for dogfighting whenbullfighting came to be considered inhumane and was
banned. After dogfights were also banned in 1835, this dog's ferocity was
eliminated through selective breeding, though its appearance was retained.
Body: Heavy, stout limbed, low set, and powerful,
the English Bulldog is capable of great bursts of speed. It has broad shoulders;
especially muscular hind quarters; a quite large head; a very short pug
face; a big, prominent undershot lower jaw; round cheeks; thick, broad
flews (chops) extending well below the sides of the lower jaw; dewlaps
from head to chest to form two large wrinkles; small rose-shaped high-set
ears; medium-sized round very dark eyes; a large, broad, deep-set black
nose; and a short thick based tapered tail that hangs low and is either
straight or culrled. The coat should bbe short, smooth, fine in testure,
flat lying and glossy. The color should be uniform, brindle, solid white,
red, fawn, or piebald. Brown and liver are undesirable.
Character: Supercly compatible with children,
this breed is kind, calm, friendly, and cheerful, yet it has a dignified
demeanor overall.
Care:This dog needs only regular brushing
with a rough cloth and a minimal exercise.
Exercise:As it is sensitive to excessive exercise
and heat, it's best to keep this dog cool and well-ventilated. It is best
to segregate this dog during feeding time as it tends to be possessive
about its food, and thus aggressive toward nearby dogs and animals.
Training: Bulldog puppies are relatively easy
to train and raise.
Puppies: The average of 4 puppies per litter
have comparatively large heads and are generally delivered by cesarean
section. The color at birth is essentially that of an adult.
Awards The Dog House The
Gerbil Cage The Hamster Cage The
Litter Box The
American Stafford Terrier Gallery The Basset
Hound Gallery The Beagle Gallery
The Bernese Mountain Dog Gallery
The Boxer Gallery The Bulldog
Gallery The Cavlier King Charles
Spaniel Gallery The Chow Chow Gallery
The Dalmatian Gallery The
Doberman Pinscher Gallery The English
Setter Gallery The German Pointer
Gallery The German Shepherd Gallery
The Golden Retriever Gallery The
Gordon Setter Gallery The Great Dane Gallery
The Jack Russel Terrier Gallery The
Labrador Retriever Gallery The Mastiff
Gallery The Newfoundland Gallery
The Old English Sheepdog Gallery
The Pembroke and Welsh Corgi Gallery The
Pomeranian Gallery The
Pug Gallery The Rottweiler Gallery
The Saint Bernard Gallery The
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Gallery The
Yorkshire Terrier Gallery Julious's
Doghouse Mercedes's Doghouse
Morgan's Doghouse Sign
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